333, сообщество профессионалов свиноводства, непрерывно растет, начиная с момента появления 3tres3.com (испанская версия) в 1998 г.
В настоящий момент, размещенные на наших ресурсах материалы о свиноводстве могут быть прочитаны на 10 языках. Кроме того, мы запускаем новую линейку веб-страниц о производстве мяса свиней.
During these years many of you have trusted us and you have signed in as users. In fact, we are so many that we have just exceeded 50,000 users. It seems to us that this is an important landmark in our history that is worth celebrating with you.
Some of you have been with us since long ago, maybe since you were students, and your professional profile may have changed. Also, with the new line of webpages about the pig meat industry we have added new job options that may suit your professional profile better, so we invite you to update your profile.
This will help us to know you better and to prepare contents that fit your needs better, and it will help you to contact other users with a similar profile. If in the “My public profile” tab you agree to tell us your country and job it will be easier for you to interact with other users by using our social network: you will be able to follow each other, publish on your space or even create private discussion groups.
Do not forget to upload your photograph!
We will raffle an iPad Air2 among all the users that have updated their name, picture, job and country fields (and that show them on their public profile) before March 31st 2016. |