
Страница 2 от Европа, Событие на год 2018 в Графике Событий на 333

VIV EuropeVIV Europe20Июнь20182018-06-2022Июнь20182018-06-22Utrech, Нидерландыhttp://www.viveurope.nl/en/Bezoeker.aspx Google
69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science27Авг20182018-08-272018-08-27Dubrovnik, Croatia, Хорватияhttp://www.eaap2018.org/ Google
12th Annual Meeting of EPIZONE 12th Annual Meeting of EPIZONE 27Авг20182018-08-2730Авг20182018-08-30University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Австрияhttps://www.epizone-eu.net/en/Home/Annual-meeting.htm Google
12th International Symposium on Wild Boar and Other Suids12th International Symposium on Wild Boar and Other Suids4Сен20182018-09-042018-09-04Tree of Life , address: Lázeňská 531, 507 81 Lázně Bělohrad, Czech Republic, Чешская республикаhttp://wmrg.ldf.mendelu.cz/en/ Google
Space 2018Space 201811Сен20182018-09-1114Сен20182018-09-14Rennes, Francia, Францияhttp://www.space.fr/ Google
9th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Med9th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Med16Окт20182018-10-1619Окт20182018-10-19Rome, Italy, Италияhttps://www.aavm2018.com/ Google
International Pig Farm Day18Окт20182018-10-182018-10-18"UBI Conference Hall" Kiev region, urban settlement Glevaha, Pidpruyemnytska street, 10, Украинаhttp://pigday.com.ua/2018/oct/eng Google
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